Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015 (Review)
Source: Cashmoneys
Price: 79p
Where To Get It: Steam
DISCLOSURE: This article is two reviews. The one I wrote before I’d even played the game, and the one I’d written after I’d played.
WARNING: The pixellated dad dongs have been censored for people who don’t like to see pixellated penis. Can’t help on the talking about their existence, though.
The experience of showering with one’s father, when a small child, is a memory that few children truly forget. The same goes for showering with your mother, regardless of gender. It isn’t always a bonding moment, but it can be, and, at that time, things are simpler. As you get older, it is no longer considered proper to shower with your parents (Generally), and so the experience is lost, gone forever. Until no- Ahahaa, I can’t actually finish that sentence.
But showering with your dad is a thing that may well have happened in your life. Or your mum. And losing your parents in a public area is definitely a traumatic experience, as is reaching for someone you thought was your parent, but wasn’t. It’s also a time where you (might) honestly laugh at what we know as “Dad Jokes”
SWYDS2015, as it’s going to be called now, doesn’t really evoke much of that. Except the Dad Jokes. That, it has in spades. Basically, it’s a rapid fire arcade game, with different games unlocked as you go, where you run around trying to shower with the right dad (Or grab the right dad, as another example), and each gets harder somehow as the game progresses. Get the right dad, get points and some flashing text. Get the wrong one, don’t get points, some different flashing text, and lose health (Obviously, you lose by doing the wrong thing enough times.) I could speculate on the hidden meanings of SWYDS2015. I could talk some more about the experience with, or cultural connotations of bathing with parents (Which I doubt my own would appreciate). I could bemoan how it’s only dads, or about how the pixellated penis is so prominent, or how parents and children having different skin tone isn’t represented. I could even speculate about whether reports of the POC parent sometimes disappearing is a bug or a sinister social commentary (A bug I’ve not encountered, but has apparently been reported, and most likely fixed.)
I could. But I won’t, because of three things. 1) It is 79p. 2) It will take you a lot less than 2 hours to work out whether you like it or not, being simple to play. 3) Steam Refunds exist now. Would I recommend it to anyone? Fans of dad jokes and simple arcade games that you can while away a short break with, who aren’t offended by pixel-junk is my best guess. Is there anyone I can’t recommend it to? People who don’t like to think about showering with their father, or seeing pixellated tallywhackers, or simple arcade games.
That last paragraph, by the way, is in earnest. No, the joke is…

In The Bath was a good song by The Divine Comedy. This fact has little to do with what’s going on in this screenshot. Not much does.
The experience of showering with one’s father, when a small child, is a memory that few children truly forget. The same goes for showering with your mother, regardless of gender. It isn’t always a bonding moment, but it can be, and, at that time, things are simpler. As you get older, it is no longer considered proper to shower with your parents (Generally), and so the experience is lost, gone forever. Until no- Ahahaa, I can’t actually finish that sentence.
But showering with your dad is a thing that may well have happened in your life. Or your mum. And losing your parents in a public area is definitely a traumatic experience, as is reaching for someone you thought was your parent, but wasn’t. It’s also a time where you (might) honestly laugh at what we know as “Dad Jokes”
SWYDS2015, as it’s going to be called now, doesn’t really evoke much of that. Except the Dad Jokes. That, it has in spades. Basically, it’s a rapid fire arcade game, with different games unlocked as you go, where you run around trying to shower with the right dad (Or grab the right dad, as another example), and each gets harder somehow as the game progresses. Get the right dad, get points and some flashing text. Get the wrong one, don’t get points, some different flashing text, and lose health (Obviously, you lose by doing the wrong thing enough times.) I could speculate on the hidden meanings of SWYDS2015. I could talk some more about the experience with, or cultural connotations of bathing with parents (Which I doubt my own would appreciate). I could bemoan how it’s only dads, or about how the pixellated penis is so prominent, or how parents and children having different skin tone isn’t represented. I could even speculate about whether reports of the POC parent sometimes disappearing is a bug or a sinister social commentary (A bug I’ve not encountered, but has apparently been reported, and has most likely been fixed.)
I could. But I won’t, because of three things. 1) It is 79p. 2) It will take you a lot less than 2 hours to work out whether you like it or not, being simple to play. 3) Steam Refunds exist now. Would I recommend it to anyone? Fans of dad jokes and simple arcade games that you can while away a short break with, who aren’t offended by pixel-junk is my best guess. Is there anyone I can’t recommend it to? People who don’t like to think about showering with their father, or seeing pixellated tallywhackers, or simple arcade games.
That last paragraph, by the way, is in earnest. No, the joke is…
The Mad Welshman has Dad Joked many a time before. “I have some words for you -” “Hi, words, I’m dad!” … See?