Spooky Starlets (NSFW Early Access Review)

Source: Cashmoneys
Price: £7.19
Where To Get It: Steam
Content Warnings: Monsterfolk.
Porn is a universal thing. Wherever there is sex, there is fucking, in media, for profit. Even in the underworld. And so, the protagonist of Spooky Starlets, an admittedly somewhat scummy businessman (when it comes to business, anyway), is tasked with making porn with several… Spooky Starlets.
Eh? Ehhhh?!

So yes, this is a card game with some management elements in which you are making porn. And getting to know your stars, such as Susie, a Frankenstein’s Monster who has been made for sex, trying to find something she’s good at other than fucking. Or Francine, the skinny vampire who wishes to win a sex competition to start surpassing her sister.
Yes, many of these stories are fucky, but overall? Life in the underworld, and the porn industry, there are other moments too. Anyway, the game itself!
In Spooky Starlets, you attempt to make a porn movie, with a limited energy bar each day, starter to finisher, to make a little money, which you invest into better position cards (taking more energy to do), starlets (so you can level them up for story, and to see them, and theme cards, which change the way the cards work. Starlet, starter, action, finisher. Then see a short story, whether it’s the characters’ arcs, or stories set in the various locations of the underworld. Then shop for a card, then do it again. Seems simple, right?

Well… Not really. It’s a more complex game than it looks at first sight. After all, you need to balance the deck. Too many starters, finishers, or action cards, and you aren’t getting anything done, because drawing cards costs 2 of your limited energy per card (or two, with the Hero theme.) Too many starters, or themes? Same. And action cards…
…Honestly, action cards feel like they need a rework. After all, you get some “Destroy” and “Rummage” cards early on, and they diminish your deck, painfully. There’s a “Reset deck” button, but… Well, it ain’t pretty, seeing all those cowgirl positions and group cumshots just… Go away in the wind. I paid $6, the game worth of a day’s shoot on that, you asshole!

So… A consensual deckbuilder about porn in the underworld, it’s got promise, it’s got some fun writing for the events, and it delivers on the aesthetic front. But while it’s clearly got the basics down, it does need a fair bit of polishing and balancing to make it work. But… I am looking forward to seeing how this is going. After all, it’s also cute with the lewd. And I like the characters. I’m confident this one’s got legs.
The Mad Welshman would like to note that sex workers are workers, and deserve protections as befits workers in any other profession. That is all.