Sex And The Furry Titty (NSFW Review)

Source: Cashmoneys
Price: £4.79
Where to Get It: Steam
Content warnings: oral, masturbation
Well, okay, I was kinda hoping the next one of these would be gay too, but I genuinely can’t complain here, because, on top of me still being able to point at it and say “Aha, this is how a match-3 VN works!”, I can also point at it and say “Aha, this is how y’all write het sex without making it skeevy!”
You’d think that wouldn’t be hard, wouldn’t you? And it isn’t, yet still I more consistently find good lewdness in queer works than het ones. I will repeat until it sinks in: Y’all need to do better.

Anyway, yes, this is a visual novel where the paths are taken via a match-3 puzzle (swap blocks to make 3 or more, with 4 or more getting you nice blocks, such as the 5 in a row star, which collects all of the type it’s swapped to), with five stories of lewd encounters. Two of the situations (Seducing a lingerie store clerk and a gloryhole) could have been skeevy, but only the gloryhole gave me a brief moment of discomfort before the protag became curious. Three are seductions, one is a honeymooner’s daytrip in Japan (And, as the story synopsis openly states, they just can’t stop fucking), and one… Is my favourite.
Look at these two dorks. I freely admit, my first time, I kept things awkward for as long as I could, because watching them like that was adorable. Equally adorable was how they found common ground in snails being cool. You go, you glorious snail lovers.

As to a second pick, that would be the plumber one. Because oh boy, it has amusements. The plumber is horny, but he’s also a professional, and ma’am, can I, y’know, get the job done before I fuck you stupid? Also the little bit on the end is a nice touch.
In any case, the writing is good, well paced, lewd without being awful or awkward, comfortable when it needs to be, hot and heavy when it needs to be, and while it’s focused on the lewdness, it does get across basic character in the short time it has, so props. The music, while it didn’t wow me, certainly worked, fit for the occasions it was used, and the art… Well, the art’s pretty good. Some characters’ faces didn’t wow me during the sex, but honestly, overall, it really worked, and I appreciated it. Just as with Furry Shades of Gay, the UX is clear, it starts in windowed mode, and I couldn’t see any colourblindness issues. So accessible too. Good job.
So, Furlough have done it again. A good VN collecting several short, but enjoyable tales of lewdness, a solid match-3 which fits well narratively (some choices are harder to get than others, somewhat reflecting their character), and for less than £5. I’d honestly say they could charge more for it, but hey, it’s a recommendation any which way.