Hentasia: Rod of Power (NSFW Review)

Source: Cashmoneys
Price: $5 (Approximately £4, with the option to donate more if you like it)
Where To Get It: Itch.IO
Content Warning: Monstergirls, analingus.
Combat and sex has nearly always been an awkward mix when it comes to NSFW games (at best), but sometimes, developers come up with creative solutions. Enter Hentasia: Rod of Power, in which the goal is not to defeat the various humanoids and monstergirls per se… No… It’s to impress them enough with your prowess, so that, with magical powers bestowed by a goddess, you can fuck them (consensually) to the side of goodness.

Yes, that sounds silly. But stick with me here. So, let’s examine things. Like some CYOAs of note in the adult only scene, you have several options to choose from in your fights. And, even though a sword is one of them, it’s an option you can never use. You’re meant to be doing this peacefully, after all. For example, the centaur. She’s as strong as a horse. She’s good with a bow. She keeps her distance. What the hell are you meant to do against that?
Well… That would be spoilers. But, suffice to say, with every victory, you gain something. Sometimes it’s the item someone asked you to retrieve. Sometimes it’s a new ability. Sometimes, it’s more health. Heck, sometimes, it’s a combination of the above! In any case, while the game appears nonlinear, there is a single correct path through it, and failure… Well, you’re unconscious, and have to rest up.

> Make horny.
I’m sorry, how do you make them horny?
Now, onto another subject: Grind. There is a little grind. Because you have to earn money (You can, for some reason, fight other creatures just fine, as a way to earn a random amount of money), and resting costs money, as do certain items. But how much grind depends on how completionist you are. There are only a few items that are mandatory for progress, and everything else? Well, it’s basically gifts, for unlocking scenes with characters you don’t fight. Also money for the brothel, another set of optional scenes (Remember, support sex workers!)
As such, the playtime varies by how completionist you want to get, how well you internalise the hints the local library (and sometimes conversations) give you, and whether you save before leaving for each fight. In fact, this is useful overall, because, at the current time of writing, there is some scene replay functionality, but not for the endgame, and not counting the characters you revisit. Which is kind of annoying, because the endgame’s got four scenes and three fights (five scenes, counting the alternate, evil ending, six including the bad end), and the vast majority are quite good, from the goblin who frantically rides you, to the frost giant who… Well, you’re small, she’s big, and a lot to handle to boot.

Aesthetically, it’s quite nice. Good scenery, a solid mix of cel shading and inks for the characters, and a cartoonish style that goes well with the relatively light hearted fun. It’s not a complex game, by any stretch of the imagination, but it focuses on interesting characters, and some well written lewdness. So, overall, a recommendation.
Yes, you can fuck the fish in this game. Twice.